Születési dátum / Date of birth: November 25, 2018
blue merle tricolor kan / blue merle tricolor male
Tulajdonos / owner: Franczia Viktor  – Magyarország

Egészségügyi szűrések / Health results:

IGS:  Clear (by parents) │  CEA: Clear (by parents)  │  NCL: Clear (by parents)
TNS: Clear (by parents)  │ GG: Clear (by parents)  │  MDR1: Clear N/N (by parents)

További képek Nemoról / Nemo’s photo gallery:
Törzskönyv / Pedigree:
CH Borderfame Star Lines
Borderfame First In Line CH Sporting Fields Call Forth Borderfame CH Borderfame Signature
Shoreland's All That Jazz
Borderfame Miraconline CH Borderfame Mr Magic
Edenbrae Thskyes Thlimit
Borderfame Tri Euro Star CH Sporting Fields Call Forth Borderfame CH Borderfame Signature
Shoreland's All That Jazz
Borderfame Power Of Love CH Danbeth Fullstop
CH Borderfame Mystic Power
Yonder Oaks Lovely Present

CH Heronwood Jazz's Red Song
CH Shoreland's N All That Jazz CH Shoreland's The Golden Rule
Shoreland's Razzle Dazzle Ewe
CH Sporting Fields Bewitched O'heronwood CH Bayshore's Believe In Magic
Shoreland's All That Jazz

Lucky For You Red Magnolia to Y.O.

Sporting Fields Silver CH Sporting Fields Coat Of Many Colors
Sporting Fields Chocolate O Kesca
Shoreland's Tri N Stop Me CH Shoreland's Red Label Scotch
Shoreland's Color My World